Friday, December 5, 2014

Student Success Statement
“When you tell one lie, it leads to another.”
               Paul Hatch
     Always speak the truth


Reflection: I agree with what Paul Hatch is saying in this quote. When someone lies it would be easy for them to do it again. Once a person lies for the first time they keep doing it until they get used to it and they won’t stop. There may be incidents when you lie and in able for people to believe your lie you have to tell many lies at once. Lying is not something right to do and people shouldn't be lying ever. You have to always speak the truth. Even if the truth is embarrassing or it might hurt you have to always speak the truth. Most of the times lying hurts you more than saying the truth. An example of this is if you run over a kid accidentally. The right thing to do is to stay there and explain what happened. The worst that can happen to you is go to jail for not a long time. On the other hand if you try to get away with it they will find you and it would be worst for you.

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